Biker Girl
She prepares herself for where she needs to go,
Where that is she doesn't quite know,
She zips up her jacket,
She does it up tight,
She doesn't want to get chilly into the night.
She puts her boots on,
Strolls out the door,
She has prepared all of the things she was looking for,
She walks up to her bike,
The one she has longed over for ages,
Saved up for, over deadly stages.
She kicks off the stand,
The bike being held with a confident steady hand,
Climbs the bike with a shine,
She thinks of it as a warming shrine,
She starts the bike and feels it respond,
It's with things like this that she can understand the bond.
Her helmet feels safe and protective,
Shielding her from harm,
It isn't just this that's keep her calm,
It isn't just this that's keep her calm,
Being like this she doesn't have to feel sad,
This is the best experience she's ever had.
She releases the clutch and away she goes,
Maybe this is all she knows,
She rides past the home she knew,
Past the dramas that she used to go through,
She has an idea about the journey ahead,
How it's a good one letting the old one shed.
She feels she has to collect someone on the way,
She thinks it's the time for her to have her say,
Rehearses what she will speak,
These words have been going on to long,
Week after week,
She speeds up just that bit more,
Anxious to see what she's looking for.
Deeper into the unknown she rides,
Lapping up the energy she's feeling,
Just like the ongoing sea's tide concealing,
She feels refreshed and pure,
This is the right thing she is sure.
She's longing to be at the place she knows,
Be at the place no-one hardly ever goes,
Sit there looking out at the view,
How many nights has she done this?
Only a few.
Sometime later she steps off the bike,
Walks down to look around,
She can hear two steps of sound on the ground,
There's a streak of light breaking through the night,
This is the time that she adores.
This is the time that her spirit soars,
The sense of power in her burns,
The flow of love in her churns.
A sunset breaking through making way for the morning day,
Makes it worth waiting for to sit and stay,
The golden light shines down onto her face,
She has to bend down to tie her lace,
She comes back up and cherishes the time,
A perfect moment in history,
It's not a crime.
She stands looking down,
Not a bad expression on her face no frown,
Only a smile so deep and true,
All of her dreams and happiness have finally fallen through,
She stands there waiting,
Hands go round her waist,
Whispers go in her ear,
That's how she knows her happiness is finally here,
She looks back and sees the moment of joy,
And now the look on her face is an expression of coy,
She laughs and laughs until she cries,
Them magic fingers gently wipe her eyes.
Them magic fingers gently wipe her eyes.
This was the moment she has always dreamed for,
And now this was all coming true she didn't want anymore,
What she now had was fine and complete,
Everything was sealed and covered now,
Just like a perfect secret scenting sheet,
Everything has fallen into place now and she's glad,
This will be the best moment that she has ever had.
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